October 2017 – After the Storm
Photos coming soon.
Russel Sandstrom
Seas as high as the masthead, some 35 feet.
Russel Sandstrom
LuAnn McVey & Richard Steele
The “farang” ghosts are down there on the beaches still calling for help.
LuAnn McVey & Richard Steele
Leslie Gartman
Romance with a 9 1/2 -foot tall paddle-board called Javier.
Leslie Gartman
Jennifer Seely
A climate change debate at the face of the Mendenhall Glacier.
Jennifer Seely
Jenny McBride
Mattresses are really heavy when water-logged. But all that stuff? It’s only stuff.
Jenny McBride
Kylynn Machir
From victim to survivor…what’s next? How do we recover?
Kylynn Machir
Erika Bergren
The streetlights of Oman looked like gnarled curled-up pretzels after the storm.
Erika Bergren