May 13 – Close Calls
See bottom of page for photos.
Brenda Hewitt
With a 7:45 PM plane to catch, Brenda streaks through her story…
Brenda Hewitt
Meilani Schijvens
Sometimes, the best choice makes the worst sense.
Meilani Schijvens
Jon Lyman
Children of the bombardment save the dish.
Jon Lyman
Bret Connell
Impressively hearty pet should earn frequent flyer miles.
Bret Connell
Rebecca Havens
Not your typical stormy relationship.
Rebecca Havens
Travis Eckhoff*
The Teutonic teacher of Gallic grammar … and footwear.
Timothy Miles
Apple cider insight into one of life’s greatest mysteries.
Timothy Miles
*Due to technical problems the stories were re-recorded after they were told live at the May event, with the exception of Travis’ piece; his story remains as it was recorded. Our apologies.